Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Chobham B Festival - 30/09/07


Henry Clarke, Stephen Rac, James Bentley-Fox, Thomas Bywater, James Davies, Thomas Holland, Jonnathon Hammond, David Cecil, Oliver Skyrme, Josh Day, Thomas Boxall.

Unusually started very well with a 2-1 win over Chobham, all set for a good day. (Captain Holland - Scorers Clarke, Davies)

Talked ourselves out of the game versus the Upminster Giants 1-4 loss. (but I don't think many sides scored against Upminster) (Captain Davies - Scorer Cecil)

Back on track against London Irish but silly mistakes meant we drew 1-1. (Captain Rac- Scorer Boxall)

Silly mistakes and not waking up for a few minutes meant we lost to Rosslyn Park 0-1 (Captain Skyrme)

After a long day and a bit of a chat everything we've ever taught came together and we beat Sutton and Epsom 4-1 (Captain Bentley-Fox - Scorers Rac, Day, Cecil, Hammond) (you see we use the height advantage)

I think we came joint third in a pool of six, not bad for a first attempt and the frustrating thing is we could have beaten all the other sides if we had been awake earlier in some of the games and not talked ourselves out of Upminster)

Andy Brooks

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