Friday, March 30, 2007

Middlesex B Festival - Imber Court 18/03/2007

Squad: Benjamin Archer, Thomas Bywater, David Cecil, James Davies, Joshua Day, Myles Deane, Emmanual Galan, Aaron Patel, Cameron Petrie, Stephen Rac, Benjamin Seddon, Oliver Skyrme, Jack Stockham

Report by Richard Davies

Well done the boys who took part in the Middlesex festival. We are now joint Middlesex B champions - the boys should be very proud of themselves. Everyone in the team played well, but it was our defence that was our great strength with only one try being scored against us in the whole tournament. This was not down to one player, but to a team performance with everyone tackling their hearts out.

Ian tells me that Grasshoppers are classified as an 'emerging club' and do not play in the As, but put their best team in the Bs. They certainly provided us with the toughest opposition we faced in the tournament.

Thank-you to the Mayor and Mayoress of Imber Court for presenting the metals - we'll see if we can get some gold replacement medals before the end of the season. No prizes for taking the tent down however!

For the record, the scores for each game were as follows, with two games stopped early once 7 scores were achieved:

Pool Game 1 v Twickenham - won 7-0
Scorers: Ben Archer x2, Stephen Rac, David Cecil, James Davies, Emmanuel Gallan, Thomas Bywater.

Pool Game 2 v Saracens won 3-0
Scorers: David Cecil, Aaron Patel, Myles Dean

Pool Game 3 v Staines - won 7-0
Scorers: Jack Stockham, Emmanuel Gallan x2, James Davies, Oliver Skyme, Ben Sedden, Cameron Petrie.

Semi Final v Rosslyn Park - won 2-0
Scorers: David Cecil, Myles Dean.

Final v Grasshoppers - Drew 1-1
Scorer: Myles Dean

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